Signature of an exclusive operating protocol for the swimming pool activities branch by CF CONTROL
For several years, CF group and Purecontrol have been working together to optimize pool management using artificial intelligence. Faced with the increase in energy problems for swimming pools, the two companies signed a memorandum of understanding in order to accelerate the deployment of a predictive management solution under the name of CF Control.
The collective and public swimming pool sector is facing cyclical constraints such as the increase in entrance fees, the legal obligation to reduce the water temperature, or even a temporary or permanent closure. Faced with this observation, the two companies CF Group and Purecontrol decided, through a strategic commercial agreement, to join forces to offer pool managers a solution to limit the impacts of this crisis.
CF Group and Purecontrol join forces to market a solution for optimizing the energy of swimming pools
CF group is a major European group, manufacturer and distributor of pool products and equipment. It has been established on the collective swimming pool market for many years, in particular through its entities RPC, Laboratoires Chemoform, Dr Nüsken and Dinotec.
Purecontrol is a start-up that has been supporting manufacturers and actors in water management since 2017, to optimize their energy efficiency, and increase the performance of their processes. It provides solutions for the management of equipment in real time and predictive based on Artificial Intelligence.

• It was on the occasion of the 26th Symposium of the Pool of Tomorrow in Chartres-de-Bretagne (35), that CF group and PureControl present their joint solution for a smarter and more virtuous pool: CF Control.
• Through an agreement, CF group takes over the direct operation and assets of the Swimming Pools business line (private and collective, including aquatic centers) from Purecontrol, via the CF Control entity, owned by CF group. The CF Control© brand will be developed commercially to offer new innovative solutions for customers who own pools, which allow controlled management of operating and equipment costs in proportion to the actual use of the pool.
• In 2019, Purecontrol was selected for the energy optimization of the Conterie de Chartres swimming pool of Brittany (600 daily users, 250m² of pool) while guaranteeing water at 28°. Purecontrol's real-time control solution allowed the Chartres-de-Bretagne de Bretagne swimming pool to reduce energy costs by up to 19%.
“Purecontrol offers a real solution, without gigantic investments, which will allow us to improve the comfort and the feeling of users while maintaining the same financial resources.” explains Stéphane Chatenet, director of the Syndicat intercommunal de la Piscine de la Conterie.
“CF Control now brings all the intelligence of the Purecontrol solution, at the service of local authorities, and meets multiple constraints and challenges: climate challenges and their constraints, the fluctuation and increase in energy prices, and the requirements of an automation system that is complex to regulate and optimize.” Nicolas Chaze, CTO CF group
“This new alliance is the result of our desire to provide more widely and more quickly an effective solution for swimming pools throughout France and Europe. The challenge is twofold: to control costs and to decarbonize. This partnership with CF Group, via the CF Control entity, will clearly allow this, and testifies to the desire of all actors to mobilize in the face of these growing problems.” — Geoffroy Maillard, CEO — Purecontrol
Contact CF group:
Romy PFLIEGER — CF Group Communication Project Manager —
Jean-Christophe LABATTUT — CF group Sales Technician — 04 90 92 75 14
Purecontrol contact: Guillaume Gelot — Partnership Manager/CF Control — — 06 29 33 53 26
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